Home Extra Support

Extra Support

by Scruffy

There are a few ways to further support me and my endeavors.


My Patreon has multiple subscription tiers at which people can choose to support me. Each tier offers its own incentives to Patrons which allows me to give back in different ways. Patreon’s subscription business model supports creators much further with the same amount of money by not taking as large of a cut.

I’ve been posting some exclusive content and updates over there and that may at some point include a sneak-peek at future plans for this website amongst other endeavors.


When I am live on stream, donating via Streamlabs will have a notification pop up during stream and will result in “button pushing” and shouts of appreciation.


Purchasing any merch does support me and allows people to rep some clothes, accessories, and other goodies with some stream and brand themed designs. My shop is currently on RedBubble and I’ll be adding new designs throughout the year so be sure to keep an eye out for new merch.


Purchasing from any of the companies I’m partnered or affiliate with does support me and allows people to save on the products by using my codes and links.

Shout-out to those showing extra support to the stream and myself in any way. Thank you.