Home Streaming Tips

Streaming Tips

by Scruffy

We all benefit from learning from each other and I’m sharing some perspectives from my adventures that I hope is found to be useful for someone that is looking to pursue streaming.

  • Be yourself. Don’t be someone or something you’re not.
  • Be Consistent. Set and follow your schedule.
  • Dream BIG and always strive higher.
  • Make and utilize checklists, they’re amazing.
  • It’s a learning process, grow with your community as it grows with you.
  • It’s a marathon, not a race. Strive for quality over quantity.
  • Feed the human. / Keep the human hydrated.
  • Most importantly, make sure you are having fun. If streaming is stressing you out, reevaluate the above tips and see where you can improve.


One day at my job, I met a client who left me the perfect perspective on how you should approach situations in life.

The conversation was about drama and headaches we dealt with in our fields of work, but when we spoke about not letting it impact our work or other clients we deal with, he mentioned,

“You have to leave your shoes at the door”

This analogy of leaving the drama, headaches, etc. behind as you walk in to your next task will guarantee you’re going in with a clear head all and not letting issues carry from situation to situation, or in this case, your streams.

I work full-time and when I’m starting my stream at the end of the day, all the stress or headaches I dealt with that day, are in the past and it’s time to stream, relax, and hang out with my community.


Swing by the stream and feel free to ask additional questions.