Home Fallout 76 Fallout 76: Where to find a Cryptid

Fallout 76: Where to find a Cryptid

by Scruffy
Fallout 76 - Cryptid - Snallygaster

Appalachia has a few different Cryptid creatures throughout the game (Full List)

Whether you’re hunting Cryptids for your photo collection or doing one of the Daily Challenge’s to “Kill a Cryptid” there’s a couple locations I visit to quickly find one. If there’s nothing at the location, you may need to hop servers to find them. These locations I’m utilizing have a higher spawn rate for these Cryptids compared to some of the locations that are “Random Events” to spawn something like a Sheepsquatch or Flatwoods Monster. A few of the Cryptids that will help you get your challenge complete are,

  • Snallygaster
  • Grafton Monster
  • Mega Sloth
  • Wendigo

Snallygaster Location 1: Toxic Larry’s Meat ‘n Go

Fallout 76 - Toxic Larry's Meat 'n Go - Location
Fallout 76 – Toxic Larry’s Meat ‘n Go Location

Heading right to this location should yield (3) Snallygasters.

Fallout 76 - Cryptid Location - Toxic Larry's Meat 'n Go - Snallygaster

Snallygaster Location 2: Abandoned Bog Town

Spawning at this location should spawn Snallygasters but can also spawn Fog Crawlers as well as other creatures.

Grafton Monster Location 1: Charleston Capitol Building

As soon as you spawn at this location, down to the left and along the stream is Grafton Monster most likely getting into a fight with nearby mobs.

Grafton Monster Location 2: Charleston Station/Trainyard

You can spawn at the Charleston Station and head north along the tracks or spawn at the Charleston Train Yard and head south along the tracks to find a Grafton Monster along the bridge

Mega Sloth Location: The Mire

You can spawn at the

Wendigo: The Whitespring Golf Club

Fallout 76 - The Whitespring Golf Club - Location

You can spawn at the


I hope this quick guide helps and as a reminder, results may vary.

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